By default, the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) uses SSH during SAP HANA system installation or update install the SAP Host Agent on all system hosts. In order to use SSH, the SFTP subsystem must be active. Once the SAP Host Agent is installed, it is used to perform any platform LCM tasks executed from the Web user interface or as the system administrator user <sid>adm.
It was only possible to perform multiple-host system tasks by providing root credentials and executing platform on remote hosts via secure shell (SSH). Since SAP HANA Support Package Stack (SPS) 09, it has been possible to perform platform LCM tasks without root credentials by using the SAP Host Agent.
Even though the SAP Host Agent is not required to be installed on the SAP HANA system, the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager (HDBLCM) heavily relies on it for the following functionality to work:
●Execution as the system administrator user <sid>adm
●Connectivity to remote hosts via HTTPS (when no SSH or root user credentials are available)
●Execution from the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager Web user interface
If execution on the remote hosts is done via SSH (default, --remote_execution=ssh), the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager is able to connect to a remote host via SSH and install and configure the SAP Host Agent. In contrast, the remote execution via SAP Host Agent (--remote_execution=saphostagent) requires that the SAP Host Agent is installed and configured on all involved hosts in advance, which includes:
●Install SAP Host Agent
●Configure a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate for the SAP Host Agent, so that the HTTPS port 1129 is accessible. For more information about SSL configuration for the SAP Host Agent, see Related Information. If you don’t want to configure HTTPS, it is also possible to use the call option --use_http. It tells the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager to communicate with the SAP Host Agent via HTTP. During addition of new host to an SAP HANA system (also during installation of a multiple-host system), the HTTPS of the SAP Host Agent is automatically configured by the SAP HANA database lifecycle manager
The SAP HANA cockpit for offline administration also uses the SAP Host Agent to execute tasks as the system administrator user <sid>adm, for example, stopping and starting the system, or troubleshooting a system experiencing performance problems. For more information, see SAP HANA Cockpit for Offline Administration.
The SAP Host Agent is installed and updated by default during SAP HANA system installation and update, unless the call option --install_hostagent=off is used
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